This component provides a responsive navigation bar. It has nested menu items wrapping NuxtLink
for routing with prefetch.
interface MenuLinkRoute {
label: string;
icon?: string;
to?: RouteLocationRaw;
children?: MenuLinkRoute[];
interface can be imported from #build/types/naiveui
Name | Type | Default | Note |
sticky | boolean | true | |
routes | MenuLinkRoute | [ ] | The routes for menu items |
drawerRoutes | MenuLinkRoute | [ ] | Overrides routes in the drawer |
drawerPlacement | top | right | bottom | left | left | |
drawerClosable | boolean | true | Whether the drawer content is closable |
drawerWidth | string | number | 100% | |
menuToggleIcon | string | ph:equals | |
menuToggleIconSize | number | string | 26 | |
menuTogglePlacement | right | left | right | |
menuInverted | boolean | false | Use inverted style |
menuPlacement | right | left | center | left | Horizontal menu placement relative to viewport |
backIcon | boolean | false | Enable back button on mobile devices |
backIconSize | number | string | 26 |
, placed at the left-side of navbar.end
, placed at the right-side of navbar.toggle
, placed instead of the toggle button.drawer-header
, placed at the top of the drawer.drawer-content
, placed at the bottom of thedrawer-header
, placed at the bottom of the drawer.